Saturday, June 8, 2019

Tears to Mine and Many Other students Attending Whitworth Elementary

There were tears brought to kids at Whitworth elementary when th budget cut happened.One of the things that brought tears to my eyes was thinking about my music teacher getting cut,she is such a part of my elementary year.I remember some kids gathering all 4th grade to sing to her ,thats exactly what we did we sang together from highschool musical to her to make her feel better.

5th Grade vs. Staff Basketball game

Here is a little hint my teacher will almost always be the one dressed up. :-)

I was very happy when I heard that again my school (Whitworth) was doing the traditional 5th grade vs. staff basketball game and luckily this year I finally got to participate in it. :)This man near the center he is my Physical Education teacher. To the left with the orange ribbon is me.This was a picture of us doing our warm up before the game.I'm up for the warm up. F. Y. I. Their are about 200 kids playing.
If you didn't get it here is a picture of most of the kids playing in the basketball game.

My teacher is the one dressed like the bumble bee if you did not know.

My 4th grade teacher in this picture is wearing a Batman cape.

I did not get all the pictures because my computer could not handle it. I did play but I am not in these pictures. The score ended up as students:85 Teachers:81, but I can tell that they were playing easy on us students if they did play their hardest we would have lost terribly.We also went overtime. One of the kids was lifted Here is me playing for my whole wopping 5 minutes


Magic Kingdom

As you might know i went to Disney world a little bit ago and the second place we went was magic kingdom were my favorite ride is, splash mountain. We rode it like 25 times and once or twice while we were riding it broke and it said it looks like Brier fox and Brier bear are causing some commotion downstream your ride will continue shortly. Thank you. But it was still very fun. Thats also where space mountain broke right before we got on (i mean right we were just waiting for the space ship to come.)

Baxter Rocks

my dog is the best dog ever